2025 Events
The Mahler Museum & History Center office is open Tuesday through Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Tours are available Tuesdays from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. or by appointment. Call (440) 243-2541 for details.
All programs will be at the Mahler Museum & History Center unless noted.
Tues. March 4, 2025 Museum opens for year.
Wed. March 26 11am to 7pm Membership Open House.
Members get 10% off in the gift shop. Adopt a room in the house to maintain and care for. Eight to choose from.
Thurs., Fri., Sat. April 3, 4, 5 ATTIC SALE
Tues. April 22 Wendy Warner Talking Berea Area Cemeteries
Wed. May 28 Phil Bova Talking Baseball & Basketball
Sun. June 1 Berea Baseball Exhibit Opens in conjunction with BBA's 50th Anniversary
Wed. June 25 *****TBD
Fri. July 4 Annual Ice Cream Social
Wed. July 23 *****TBD
Wed. Aug. 27 *****TBD
Sat. Sept. 20 Annual Teddy Bear Tea
Wed. Sept. 24 *****TBD Somebody from Browns?
Sat. Oct. 11 Annual Pasta Dinner Fundraiser
Wed. Oct. 22 Annual Posthumous Grindstone Heritage Award(s) will be presented
Tues. Nov. 11 11am to 4pm Veterans' Day Display
Sun. Dec. 7 Annual Victorian Tea
Thursday Dec. 11 Museum closes for the winter.